The latest version of Nagios was announced yesterday (Nagios core 3.4.0 released ), So today AikiLinux grabbed the new source code and gave it a test run.
The source code install went smooth and fast with no hiccups ( considering this is and upgrade on our test system , it was to be expected , we will also do a test on a clean build ) , and we noticed a new option in the make options “make install-exfoliation” , this a an newer Web interface that is being shipped along side the classic Nagios interface , and you have the option to install one or the other as they overwrite the html/stylesheets/ and html/images/ under /usr/local/nagios/share/ .
It will remain to see which UI the packagers will use when providing the packages , the provided spec file does not specify which UI to use so if you build the package on your own , and want to use the newer UI , you’ll need to watch out for that .
An issue that still remains since 3.0.6 is the refresh page , when viewing a page and hitting the F5 button , the interface is taking you back to the main page and not keeping it’s position in the nagios CGI display , this is happening due to the PHP/HTML integration in the web UI and is easily fixable by a simple coded insertion how do I refresh Nagios and stay on the current page
More testing and reviews to come later.